Sarah Kline » Social Studies Grade 11 and 12

Social Studies Grade 11 and 12

  • Social Studies Teacher
  • Social Studies Department Head
  • TSA Advisor
  • PA-TSA Board of Directors, State Treasurer
  • Powering Pittsburgh Co-Advisor
  • National History Day Advisor
  • Kid Wind Co-Advisor
  • Inventions and Innovations Co-Advisor
Contact Information:
814.948.6800 ext. 1222
Class Schedule
Period 1- Honors US Gov't (Dual Enrollment with Penn Highlands)
Period 2- Contemporary Issues (Dual Enrollment with Penn Highlands)
Period 3- International Studies
Period 4- Prep
Period 5- Honors Comparative Government (Dual Enrollment with Mt. Alyousis)
Period 6- Transition Room
Period 7- Psychology (Dual Enrollment with Mt. Alyousis)
Period 8- Honors World History (Dual Enrollment with Penn Highlands)