Mrs. Chunko's Page
Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year!
This year I am teaching AP Biology, Honors Biology, Scientific Methods, 11th-12th grade Environmental Science, and 9th grade Environmental Science.
Please refer to Google Classroom for information regarding assignments, updates, etc.
Please feel free to email or call with any questions, concerns, or feedback.
My Daily Schedule
1st Period - 11th / 12th Grade Environmental Science
2nd Period - Honors Biology
3rd Period - AP Biology Lab (First Semester)
- Honors Biology Lab (Second Semester)
4th Period - AP Biology
5th Period - PREP / LUNCH
6th Period - Scientific Methods
7th Period - Scientific Methods
8th Period - 9th Grade Environmental Science
Contact Information:
(Please make sure there is a "1" at the end of "chunko", otherwise emails will go to the wrong teacher)
Phone Number:
814-948-6800 ext. 1303
The best time to contact me via phone call is during my prep period, which is 5th Period
(10:58 AM - 11:41 AM).